Basic Info about Vaping

E-Cigarettes are quickly becoming an extremely popular option for smokers looking to quit and non-smokers alike. Using e-cigarettes comes with the benefits of deep-breathing exercise (which is the main source of the therapeutic effects of smoking) but achieves this through the inhalation of vaporized chemicals, hence the term "vaping". Since it is a fairly new technology, understandably, there are plenty of misconceptions about it floating around. In this article, we talk about the process of vaping, and what it involves.


The first main difference of e-cigarettes from from standard cigarettes is that with vaping, there is no burning involved. As a side note, this means there is no need to bring around lighters or matches, which carry fire risks other than those posed by smoking cigarettes. The e-cigarette is just an electronic (battery-powered) device that transforms the liquid inside it into a vapor. This saves the vaping person from the harmful effects of inhaling actual smoke. Inhaling burning fumes is bad for the lungs, not to mention there are other chemicals which become more dangerous once they are exposed to flame. These substances in the smoke are also known to increase the likelihood of developing cancer.


Vape juice can be formulated into many different flavors depending on a person's taste and preference. The big advantage of this is that vape juice manufacturers have developed a wide variety of flavors and mixes, ensuring that you can get your juice in the exact flavor that you want. Your imagination is your only limit. Furthermore, the availability of small bottles means that you can switch up flavors inexpensively and quickly, giving you the option to try other flavors with little waste.


Lastly, the only link that vape juice has to traditional cigarettes is the presence of nicotine in the mixture. Its primary purpose is to allow smokers to still get their fix - helping them to avoid the harmful effects of smoking and at the same time doing away with the extremely stressful process of withdrawal. Furthermore, nicotine is not essential for the vape juice to function and taste good, so nicotine-free variants are very much available for non-smokers and those who have successfully quit the habit. For those still in the process, vape juice can also be purchased with gradually decreasing amounts of nicotine, allowing one to slowly wean themselves off of addiction.


These are just some of the basic information available about vape juice. More extensive comparisons may be found through a simple internet search, however, one thing is clear: the advantages of vaping over cigarette smoking are well documented. It is, arguably, strictly better (as shown in the health aspect discussed above, but they have other advantages as well, including cost-wise) than smoking. If you are looking to quit cigarettes, this may be the perfect solution for you, as it has been with so many other people already.